Sunday, August 28, 2011

Mature User - Just My Opinion

Okay. Most lack of money people, like students, likes free or cheaper things such as photostat instead of original textbooks, cracked software instead of original, free movie download instead of going to cinema or buying a DVD/VCD.

The reason is simple. This kind of people really need it. That's all. It helps solve stress issue among this kind of user.

For me, it is forgivable. For example, there's a pregnant woman that need to deliver now. She is not having money yet. Does she has to gather money first than only deliver? All she need now is to deliver a baby. So it is not necessary a real doctor to deliver the baby.

Well, that example might not really suite with what i say. However, i hope my point is reaching you. What i'm trying to say is, just let this kind of people get cheaper or free as they wish, because they still could not afford to get the original or right one.


I would like to advise you if you are one of this kind of people. Buy original when you could really afford it. My reason is as the following.

Professionals like programmers or doctors are living people. They need money to live. They also need the money as their motivation to do better and improve themselve, or enjoy. They have been working so hard. You should understand that anyone would need an appreciation or something good as a reason to work hard. Have you worked hard before? So you should have understood these professionals if you do.

Just like when you watch a movie "Spiderman". Do you hope for "Spiderman 2" and "Spiderman 3"? If the producers and the team lose money from producing it, they won't be able to continue it. The only thing they need is money they gained from customers like you.

If you say that they don't need money, i would like to ask you. Can you go to a restaurant nearby you, work more than 12 hours a day, for free? And, can you work for free for years? If no, than you should understand how these product producers feel.

It is forgivable for you buying a pirate due to your weak finance condition. But please buy the original one when you really could.

Let's together support the better growth of any industrial achievement.

Monday, August 22, 2011

Pompuan VS Babi

Okay. Bila aku fikir-fikir balik, babi di Malaysia memang berjaya dikawal dengan baik. Sebagai negara beragama islam, yang memang bagus melaksanakan apa yang patut. Tapi satu je yang silap - pompuan yang haram.

Babi x boleh disentuh. Biasanya orang melayu kata, apa pun kat restoran cina tu haram dimakan, sebab senduk semua tu dah pernah digunakan untuk sentuh daging babi. Okay, so aku nak tanya. Pompuan-pompuan yang haram bagi yang bukan mahram, di restoran-restoran melayu, entah dah berapa kali sentuh pinggan, makanan, senduk semua tu. X haram ke? Eh eh, peliknya kan.

Babi x boleh dimakan. Itu memang x boleh dinafikan. Pompuan pun memang la x boleh dimakan kan. Tapi, entah sebab apa. Dulu operasi yang kumpul banyak babi dengan lori, bunuh bebanyak tu, sebab apa ek? Sebab babi tu haram? Pompuan haram kan ramai gak. Kenapa x kumpul semua pompuan haram tu dan bunuh je? Pompuan haram tu, maknanya yang bukan mahram aku la kan? Kenapa x bunuh semua pompuan ni, biar keluarga aku je tinggal kat malaysia? Fulamak, bestnya. =D

Pompuan lagi teruk daripada babi. Babi tunjuk aurat pun xpe, boleh tengok lagi. Tengok la babi tu main seks ke apa, x apa punya. X haram. Tapi pompuan haram x boleh. X boleh tengok aurat pompuan haram. Nak tengok dia buat seks lagi la x boleh. Aku rasa, Malaysia patut ambil tindakan yang tegas kumpul semua pompuan yang tunjuk aurat ni, bunuh semuanya. Kerajaan Malaysia kena sedar. Pompuan tunjuk aurat lagi teruk daripada babi kot. Nak tengok pun x boleh. Takut nanti kena penyakit gila seks. Bahaya gak tu. Kalau Malaysia berjaya handle babi, kenapa x handle pompuan x tutup aurat ni? Banyak gila kot kat shoping center semua tu. Penyakit mata lagi bahaya kot.

Pasal pompuan haram la, banyak betul benda halal jadi haram. Tengok je la surat khabar. Ish. Ada pompuan haram dalam surat khabar tu. Jangan sentuh. Haram. Eh eh, jngan buka TV tu, nanti keluar pompuan haram. Bahaya la.

Pompuan pandai fitnah. Babi okay je. Memana haiwan pun sentiasa berzikir pada tuhan, kalau x salah aku. Pompuan lak selalu timbulkan fitnah sampai rumahtangga jatuh atau sampai timbulkan peperangan. Bahaya la pompuan ni. Kesian babi kan. Babi x bersalah pun, dah kena bunuh. Pompuan ni kenapa lak dibiarkan? Sekarang tengah ramai pompuan haram yang tengah fitnah kata lelaki semakin teruk ni semua. Kena cepat tangani pompuan haram ni.

Okay, kalau nak dikatakan pasal bahaya, pompuan lagi bahaya kot. Tengok la berapa banyak lelaki yang jadi gila seks. Berapa banyak lelaki yang masuk pusat serenti. Prestasi lelaki dah semakin merosot. Kan lelaki sangat penting sebagai pemimpin negara? Puncanya pompuan haram je. Pompuan haram yang x tutup aurat. Nampak x? Pompuan haram ni ramai yang sebarkan penyakit yang lebih bahaya dan cepat merebak. Hampir memana lelaki pun, pandang je aurat pompuan satu kali, dah terkena terus penyakitnya.

Masalah Pagi Masyarakat

Memana je aku pergi joging, sama ada pagi atau petang, aku selalu geleng kepala melihat bilangan dan golongan orang yang sihat bersenam.

Biasanya yang datang bersenam, majoritinya orang tua cina. Pastu, yang lepak duduk-duduk merokok je kerja orang melayu. Yang muda-muda, beberapa kerat je.

Kalau joging petang-petang, biasanya bila dah gelap nak malam, mula la. Banyak couple melayu datang nak cari port masing-masing. Memang menjengkelkan betul.

Yang main bola sepak dan basketball tu, dah kira bagus. Biarpun aku tengok orang cina buat senaman taichi, sekurang-kurangnya senaman la gak kan.

Itu la sebabnya banyak lelaki yang bagus. Gi main basketball, bola sepak. Yang kerat-kerat gi joging pun laki je. Susah betul nak tengok pompuan bersenam. Kalau ada pun pompuan tua je.

So, apa la yang pompuan selalu buat? Nak kata sibuk memasak di rumah, cuba tanya pompuan-pompuan ni satu persatu. Macam nak pupus dah spesies pompuan yang tau memasak. Kat shoping center je penuh dengan pompuan. Tunjuk aurat lak tu. Pompuan zaman sekarang semakin rosak. Pastu kata lelaki zaman sekarang semakin teruk. X sedar diri betul. Berapa banyak lak lelaki yang tunjuk aurat? Lelaki semua baik je. Selalu jadi budak baik hadap komputer di rumah, atau gi main bola atau aktiviti-aktiviti lasak.

Berguna ke pompuan zaman sekarang? Memang susah lelaki nak cari calon isteri. Dah la x guna, nak kenakan harga duit hantaran yang mahal. Nak paksa lelaki buat maksiat je lebih.

Lelaki gila seks? Well, tuhan memang dah jadikan lelaki macam tu. Nafsu lelaki satu tu je. Lagipun, pompuan berasal dari tulang rusuk kiri lelaki. Maknanya, pompuan pun gila seks la kan. Nak ejek lelaki, cuba sedar sikit asal-usul diri tu dari mana.

Boleh pula aku lari dari topik. Hmmm, apa yang aku nak tegaskan di sini ialah, mari la kita bersenam. Masalah masyarakat kita sekarang ni ialah masih kurang yang bersenam. =)

Saturday, August 20, 2011

Mampu Terima Realiti?

Okay. Mampukah korang terima kejadian realiti yang korang rasa mustahil boleh berlaku, iaitu impian korang jadi kenyataan, atau lebih hebat daripada apa yang korang impikan.

Tadi masa aku lepak makan sahur di McD dengan member dan abang-abang aku, aku selalu je usha tengok awek sebelah meja. Lawa gila. Memang cantik sesangat awek tu. Terpesona gila aku tengok.

Kalau la aku dapat awek tu, fuh....bestnya. Sekali, masa aku tengah syok tengok dia, tetiba dia tentang mata aku. Kenyit mata kat aku, dengan senyum manjanya. Dia angkat tangan dia kat telinga dia, tunjuk signal, nak minta nombor.

Aku masa tu terkejut sangat. Nak kata tengah mimpi, x jugak. Aku terus pandang tempat lain, konon-konon tengah dengar member berbual konon. Aku masa tu x dapat terima hakikat langsung. Terkejut sesangat. Gila ar.

Lepas aku fikir-fikir balik, xpe la. Aku nak setia kat gf aku je. Tapi, buat masa ni, memang aku nak fokus kat duit je. X nak fokus pasal pomuan sangat dah. Setakat cuci mata xpe la kan. Main borak-borak manja pun cukup dah, setakat nak seronokkan hati.

Fuhh....memang penat betul tadi. Baru mula amek lesen motor. Tengok je motor kawasaki, pergh. Teringin betul nak bawa main pusing-pusing. Best gila tengok motor besar tu, dengan tayar besar dia. Layan gila. :D

Tapi kan, daripada aku beli motor kawasaki, baik aku beli kereta. Lepas ada rumah dan perabot semua tu, baru la aku fikir pasal kawasaki la, porsche ke, ferrari semua tu. Lambo ghini pun nak rasa. Fuhhhh......bestnya. :D

Aku nak jadi kaya. heheheee :D

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

What Man Should Know About Woman =)

Okay. Lepas bual-bual dengan abang aku, aku terus break dengan gf aku yang dah......hampir enam tahun bercinta. Know why?

Well, my mother used to say, "don't ever find a girl until u are ready to get marry". At first. I won't agree to my mother about that. When i'm mature enough, like now, i finally agree. took me long life experience to believe and agree.

Okay. This is according to what i know. What man should know about woman. Learn this carefully. U might not believe like me at first. See it yourself to know more.

This tips is just for guys that have gf. Not for single. But might helpful for single in the future.

1. Woman will use u like hell, and don't even care about your condition, when SHE FEEL THAT U WILL NEVER LEAVE HER. Until she finds a better guy, SHE WILL LEAVE U JUST LIKE THAT. She will always try her best to make u obedient to her at early relationship. So, becareful guys. Don't get trapped easily. Especially when she promote sex. That's the greatest weapon to make a man be more obedient because of feeling responsiblities or appreciation, or whatever it is. If u are a bad guy that just wanna play that girl, than that's good. U are teaching this girl a good lesson. :)

2. When u start feel like she's always lying, or make a very suspicious lying, or any kind of lie that she twist around and around. Until u find out very clearly that she lied to u. That is the time u should leave her. Because that means she don't trust u anymore.

3. When she asked u to pay her back for what u owed her, just pay back AND LEAVE HER. She's actually just wanna use u if she does that. Because true love supposed to be willing to sacrifice for each other. So, WAKE UP GUYS~!!!!

4. When she very seldom reply your hundred messages, u should just forget about her. Girls actually think about the guys she love all the time. So, when she's too quiet. That's the sign that u should forget her.

5. When she always forced u to agree that she's right but actually she's not, u should just disagree and let her go. She will never respect u and won't be obedient to u. Just like in number one above. That's her way to know whether she already get u obedient to her or not. If u are, she will make full use of u. Until she's satisfied. She will just wait for a better guys, than leave u JUST LIKE THAT.

Accordiing to statistic studies, the non-virgin female teens are about more than 60%. So, wake up guys. All the women around u might actually such a bad bitch that u should never amaze. Just look how many girls are at the shopping complex. Too many girls that are really such a bitch. They are easily satisfied with their world. While men are being good and innocent with computer and friends at mamak stall.

I have a good things to make u realize. Men in nowadays are far better than woman.
Okay. Now i'll switch to malay language. Berapa ramai lelaki yang tunjuk aurat? Hampir xde langsung okay. Sebenarnya lelaki masih okay dan sangat kuat iman di zaman sekarang.

Pompuan selalu kata lelaki zaman sekarang teruk. Sebenarnya pompuan semua tu yang x sedar diri. Biasa la. Pompuan kan kuat fitnah orangnya. Cuba tengok berapa ramai pompuan yang tunjuk aurat? fuh......pompuan zaman sekarang memang teruk. Well, itu la hakikatnya.

So, the moral of the story, don't ever give anything to our girl. Even after married, just give what is enough to survive. If u always give and let her full, your relationship won't be the same.

Just give feeling is okay. Not material things, especially money. Woman can easily satisfied and bored with money from a same guy. She might want more and better guys. Just like how man can easily satisfied and bored to have sex with the same woman. That is why girls are easier to let go of man because women are easily satisfied. Man are very seldom having sex, that's why man will never satisfied with the woman to let the woman go. So, to ensure that your girl stay by your side, u should very seldom giving money to your girl.

So, the recommended type of girl that guys should find :

1) Very rich. Very rich girl won't mind about money anymore. What she wants is a life partner to made up the whole life. So, don't worry about your relationship stability with this kind of girl.

2) Very religious muslims. Muslims taught girls to be very obedient to the husband no matter what. Muslims taught girls that the heaven or hell of the girls are in the husband's hand. So, u don't have to worry about your stability with girl. :)

3) From a very good family genetic. Girls with a very good family genetic background have a very good moral principal and attitude. She will be so obedient naturally. That's very good okay. :)

4) Her beauty. Either beauty of her face or body. Well, of course. Sex satisfaction always comes first for man. As a man, we always work so hard for money and responsibilities. So make sure we get the beauty one, so that we are really satisfied and happy with our marriage. :)

Well, it's all based on my true experience, other people's experience, and many opinions.


Friday, August 12, 2011

My Against Become Mine

Recently, i used to agree that love comes first when love versus money. Now i against it. Thanks to my little lovely gf. My experience with her made me learn it.

Love is easy to find. Just always forgiving and loving each other. Either with god, friends, parents, or with a couple. It's easy to be loved and love. Love is easy to find. Just depend on what we wanna love with. I love programming. :)

Money is hard to find. If u are saying it's easy, can u give me a million right now? I won't easily get money from ANYONE unless i work like shit or have trust or reason that's worth.

If love? Just say hi to someone on the road, bring to cafe and have a drink, talk, and enjoy together. Or just take a praying mat, flat on the floor and make love with god. Or just call parents, "mama, i miss u. I love u mama. I hope u are with me now."

Love is very simple and easy to find. Money is damn hard to get and earn. What man want from woman is just actually sex. Well, just do the self handjob would be enough too. Woman nice shape always won't stay long. Many new young beauty woman out there keep appearing out in vicinity. So what? Love is easy.

Woman already learn earlier, and used to prick money from guys. Well, that's the prove that woman mature earlier. So, i would like to say, "hey girls. U are really smart and matured."

So, now what comes first to me, is MONEY MONEY MONEY$$$$$$. The more money i have, the more woman i can have. Women don't care to double triple quadruple with me if i have money. So i can have quadruple wife and enjoy my best sex in life. Four some. :D

Well, this is what i believe for now. ^^

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

bengaNg sesangat...(sila abaikan)

Hidup ni memang selalu camni. Bila dah happy sesangat, nanti mesti bengang sesangat. Bila datang yang best, emsti datang yang x best gak. Hish.

Spoil mood betul.

Friday, August 5, 2011

YEAAAAAY (tengah happy gila, sila abaikan)

Okay. Aku tengah happy gila gila gila gila. Rasa saaaaaangat puas dan seronok. YeaaaaaaaaAAAAAAAAAAhhhhhhh~~~~ =DDDDD

Em, happy pasal apa ek. Ada ar kan. Yang tau tu tau tau je la. Wohooooo~~~~ =DDDDDD

Aku x sangka betul. Mungkin sebab aku gila-gila fokus dan usaha nak siapkan dia cepat, sebab tu dia siap cepat. Ingatkan perlu masa sebulan lebih nak siapkan. Aku sangka aku cakap besar je kata "boleh siapkan dua minggu je ni".

Sekali, huwaaaaaa betul-betul dua minggu je dah siap. Pencapaian yang sungguh menggembirakan.

Aku dah tengah gembira tahap gaban ni. Fuuhhhh. Nak lompat-lompat ni. Sape nak join? Meh aku nak main tarik-tarik tangan ni. Sape nak jadi mangsa aku ni. =DDDDD

Aku nak main campak-campak gf aku ke udara. Tapi dia tengah xde. Uwaaarh. X nak la aku main langit sorang-sorang.

Fuuhhhh gembira x terkata. Yeaaaaayyyy. ^^

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Captain America :D

Aku memang suka gila-gila ar movie captAin america ni. Macam terLaLu realistik lak sifat dan cara kepimpinan captain america ni. Bagi aku, berbanding dengan hero-hero lain, Captain America lagi hebat dari segi kepimpinan dan patriotisme dia.

Most people i have faced always look down and disrespect a straight honest good guy. But actually the straight honest guy is the only one that is very charismatic and good leader when is given the chance. Need to be brave too to be strong.

I adore Captain America too much. It's okay to looked stupid when doing the right thing. That is good to gain trust.

Bila fikir-fikir balik, dapat gak nampak logiknya dengan lebih jelas camne rasulullah s.a.w boleh jadi pemimpin yang sangat berjaya. Rasulullah sangat jujur, baik, dan terus terang orangnya. Bila tengok je Captain America, "eh eh, rasul camtu gak. Tapi rasul jauh lebih baik la kan". Memang best gila dapat berdamping dengan orang hebat ni untuk berjuang bersama dalam peperangan. Rasa mulia gila.

Well, bila fikir-fikir balik. Kiamat dah dekat sesangat. Mungkin kita sempat join peperangan terakhir kita. Dengan nabi isa kita.

Fuh. Sempat ke nak rasa main pedang ek. Emmm....pistol pun okay gak. X pernah rasa. ^^