Saturday, December 31, 2011

Graaaar D= I'm inspired!

Okay. It's gonna 2012. And i have fully planned well about what i gonna do and gonna be. Everything goes well for the time being. ReaLLy great~!!!! =D

Now i looked a bit nonsense. The more my plan goes well, the more my feeling was like.... right now, ssoooo GREAT~!!! ^^

(too hard to express how am i feeling right now)

Okay. Deviantart website really inspired me to draw more and more, and improve ^^
The time for me to reboost my glory of art begins =D

The classical instrumental music really inspire me more to compose better waaay of music. I can't wait to buy a violin and a keyboard. I need, needa completion of my compose. Then only i find partners to be my player and bloooom the music over. Man, my day of boosting music awaits =D

Okay. After i finish this customer's big web project, i am fully satisfied and gonna grow up as software programmer. Right after this exam semester finish! I am one step higher programmer =D

2012 gonna be my boosting year. Not just graduation, even more than that i can have. Man! Love u guys ^^

Sunday, December 25, 2011

Prayer, Wear Scarf, being Muslimah Wife, And Hudud Are Hard

Talking about doing prayer, wear scarf, being a loyal muslimah wife, and apply hudud are really hard. Those are always being a big issue. Many people think that it is harsh and against freedom.

1. Prayer

However, let's take it realistically. When a man at home, having holiday. Let us compare man that do prayer and man that doesn't do prayer. How would the man's life be?

The man that doesn't do prayer might just sleep all day. He might won't wakeup in the morning. He will want to hang around at late night doing worthless chores. Suddenly gone emotional for something nonsense or whatever. The worst state is, the man will be so useless. Usually if a man stays home alone for more than three days, he might gone crazy, madness, feel demotivated or has mental disorder, psychologically.

If the man does the prayer, the man will have to wake up in the morning for subuh prayer. If he tries to sleep all day, he still have to wakeup in the evening two times for zohor prayer and asar prayer. If he sleeps again, he still have to wakeup in the dawn time for maghrib prayer. Then he has to wait till night for ishak prayer. Then only he can sleep peacefully at night. Isn't that more healthy lifestyle? Good for himself.

And just because of the prayer, he might won't be sleepy and feel refreshed because of wudhu' he has to take to do the prayer. And prayer forces man to pray in groups. From there, man will have to communicate. This will avoid demotivation, madness, or mental disorder psychologically. That is why islam enforce prayer. It is to make a human become 'a human'.

2. Wear Scarf

Yes, women usually don't like wearing scarf. It's hot, looked urban, feel so no freedom. They want people to see how pretty they are with their beautiful hair. They want to get men's eyes. They want to be popular and attracted.

Husband usually damn worry about his wife. Or parents usually damn worry about their daughter. Or a boyfriend is usually damn worry about his girlfriend. It's because the girl is pretty with her hair. The man of the girl always afraid to loss the girl to any bad guy out there, either by kidnapper, raper, or any kind of bad people.

For a husband or a boyfriend, they will so jealous. They will always worry. The worst case is, they can easily lost trust. Then become psychologically hate the girl so much, until can easily decide to break. This is the nature of men.

If the girl or woman wear scarf, wear close everything, the husband, or parents, or her boyfriend will feel much more in peace. It will easily produce happiness to the husband, parents, or her boyfriend because they can feel trustworth and believe that nothing will happen to the girl or woman.

So, should the woman care about herself for being freedom, or care about the person who love them? Either parents, boyfriend, or husband. Well, i believe that the nature of women is, they really care about people who love them.

That is why islam enforce woman to wear scarf and close everything. It is to respect the human nature.

3. Being A Loyal Muslim Wife

Woman who has always been with man might have know how and what a man is. Man's ego is so high. Man's sex commitment is so high. Man's stupid jealousy is so high. Man's worry about his love is too high.

Man's trust is very easy to break. That is why man's decision to break up is very easy. Man likes woman as his comforter. Yes, that's the nature of man.

That is why husband always worry all the time when wife went out. That is why husband always wanna play with wife all the time. That is why husband want to know everything about his wife's activity.

If his wife really love him, his wife will do whatever he wants, even by being hit badly by him. Everything is just to get his trust and to obtain good family situation.

Man want to marry a muslim woman because man will really feel so peaceful and happy. That is why marrying a muslim woman is so recommended. This is because islam has enforce any muslim wife to be very loyal to her husband. That's simply to respect the man's nature.

4. Hudud

I will not apply any hudud picture here because it might scare you. I just want to share my thought and knowledge about hudud.

Hudud is important to let people learn better about empathy and justice. Let's say if you punch a man in the face. You won't feel sorry or feel anything if you have no empathy. If you are a thief, you might not know how hard and painful it is to be stolen from someone, if you don't have empathy. How if someone stole yours?

Talking about forgiveness, if small thing is easy. How about big thing? Like, finding out that your spouse is having a sex with someone else? If you can forgive by word, your heart can't.

God knows it. God knows everything, including whatever we say in our heart. That is why, in Islam, god enforce human to apply the punishment to the guilty person. With reasonable way, not blindly.

For example, a wife is caught having a sex with a person that is not her husband. There has to be at least five mature, muslim, and kind man to witness with their own eyes. Not ONE PERSON or LESS THAN FIVE PERSON that is not mature, woman, or bad people. This is to avoid wrong or blind accusation.

So, if hudud is applied to a country, people will learn empathy and the right justice realistically. Than there will be more good, understanding, and justice standing people. World is needing a great justice to be peaceful. Only bad people are afraid of justice.

If we are afraid of hudud enforced by islam, it means we are afraid of the right justice. If we are afraid of justice, means we are bad people. Are we?

Monday, December 12, 2011

What I Wanna Be

I realize that i have become a person far away from what i'm supposed to. If i compare myself with my old in the past, i am getting worst.

Well, i am better in certain part, but still, i have become worst at certain part too. It has been long for months i didn't touch the holy quran to read and study the meaning. I only pray few times a week. I have gone a bit too far away from the right path.

Being busy with assignments and too enthusiastic with programming. Well, that shouldn't be a reason. God made me. What i have is all because of Him. Dear god, i realize this and i am trying to repair myself.

What Are U Chasing?

Okay. I would like to share. We always chase something we want fanatically until we get it. But, what do u get? and is it really what u want? At the end?

I have chased certain things in my life. Well, just to share the period of experiences i have based on what i chase.

1. Game. When we get the game, we play and play until finish. If it is about competing with other players, we keep trying to be the best. Beat the bot, or friends. Be the best. Then, that's all? Get the list of credits, or feel so great and satisfied that we are the best player. That's all. Then the game we played was nothing anymore.

And to be the best player, we always put full focus on it. We are gone with our own world with the game. Realistically, we are nothing. Just the best game player of the game only. After one or two years, the game was nothing. All i can say here is, i feel wasted to keep playing game. But i am a freak game player.

2. Exam. Of course we try the best we could to get the best result. When get good result, we will feel great and happy. But is it even worth to get perfect result? To get the perfect result, we will always have to struggle a lot and being so hardworking and avoid many distractions.

If we finally end up being a top scorer, but non-social and not accepted to work for being inactive in will be very sad. All the hardwork that might naturally make us nonsocial and inactive, and finally no job and so lonely? That's the risk that is so, so sad.

Life is just about we do things what we want and like. Realistically and practically. We can know how to use a phone without knowing what's the name of every button and component in the chip.

Just because examinator have to ask questions, they might have no idea and ask silly question. They might not even know a thing about the subject. They can just open the book randomly and select the page as the question. That is why sometimes same question pop up every year.

3. Famous. There might be many kind of reason why we wanna be famous. For me, i just want good friends. At first, i thought i want to be open and mix any kind of friend. Finally, i found out how important it is to choose friend carefully. What we gonna be depends on who we mix with. Besides that, we might lose our identity because of many kinds of friends we mix. Look who has become opposite gender. That's one of the risk of being mixedful.

People with good idea only good at their idea. Not because of the way they talk or styling. People that done respectful things are only respectful at that time. They can easily gone in just a second. Who we are yesterday is because of who we are yesterday, not today.

4. Love. Yes, almost anyone would want to have a great couple. To have a romantic date, talk sweetly and romatically to each other all that. Even hold hands, be together all time. And even willing to sacrifice to be with love. The great of love was like will never end.

That love playing was not actually seems right. We always found better person around. And we want them, isn't it? And we want all of them. We always like different people. From there, we might actually wonder what would love actually means. All the people's philosophies and movies that convinced us might not be true, isn't it? It's just like a creation of fantasy that have influenced us.

However, to build a good happy family, we have to choose only one.

5. Food. Yes, we always want food. That's a must. For me, as i have explored, no matter how much we eat, the most important thing is the taste. The better the test, the less the food we need to be full.

When i eat a fried rice by the street, it's not tasty. I have eaten three plates but still, i feel hungry but my stomach was full. Funny isn't it? If the food is tasteless, no matter how much we eat, we will still hungry.

When i eat a very tasty noodle at the very expensive hotel cafe, i just eat three spoons, and poof...i feel so full eventhough my stomach is not. That might be one of the secret way to diet. Eat a very tasty food to keep us eat less.

Another best way of eating is eat the food that we smell when we are hungry. That will be so satisfying =D

6. Sleep. We always want to sleep a lot. There are times that i feel like sleeping 20 hours a day. It was during holiday. It's kinda fun. But actually, after long doing that, i feel so useless and not productive. And that is why i will just stop sleeping when i know that i have enough.

7. Comics. Yes, i like comics so much. I have spent almost thousands of ringgit just to buy comics. There's once i spent almost RM200 a month just to buy comics. It gives me great fantasy. I really like it so much.

But i really stressful when lack of money. Sometimes just because of comics i suffered from enough money of eating. Fom there, i stop buying comics just because of money.

If i am rich, i might have bought comics as much as RM2000 a month =P

8. Programming. Yes, i love programming. Sometimes, two days have passed latter i realized that i haven't eat at all. Everytime i achieved something in programming, the happiness i gained is too hard to explain. It's simply so great =D

However, there should be a period of rest everytime do programming. If not, i can end up being mentally disorder. That's the risk i must remember all the time.

9. Organizational. If we just want to learn and find out how it is being in an organization, it is okay to try. How much we learn is depend on how good is the organization. Either being a director, secretary, or any other positions.

For me, it's the best to join the organization that we are interested. It's the best if having the organization with friends. It will be the best experience ever =)

If simply join organization just like that and simply join activities and take orders of tasks, it will simply make me feel like, "It has nothing to do with me. I shouldn't be here".

There are more actually, but i'm sleepy already. Good night my little bloggy =)

Sunday, December 11, 2011

a programmer character ^^

Okay. I read someone's blog post, about a designer's character. At here.

A bit or more, it's a lil bit alike of programmer. Well, that's how fanatic it is being interested and enjoy with what we like.

I wanna share out what a programmer

Saturday, December 3, 2011

Kalau Aku Pompuan, Part 1 - 10 perkara tentang aku

Hmm. Tujuan aku buat post ni adalah untuk tunjukkan setakat apa yang aku paham tentang pompuan. Ada lima part.

Kalau Aku Pompuan, Part 1 - 10 perkara tentang aku
Kalau Aku Pompuan, Part 2 - 10 perkara tentang aku dengan kawanku
Kalau Aku Pompuan, Part 3 - 10 perkara tentang aku dengan familyku
Kalau Aku Pompuan, Part 4 - 10 perkara tentang aku dengan pakweku
Kalau Aku Pompuan, Part 5 - 10 perkara tentang aku dengan suamiku

Kalau korang nak buat gak, aku sangat galakkan. Kalau korang laki, buat la "Kalau Aku Pompuan". Kalau korang pompuan, buat la "Kalau Aku Laki". Nanti bagi link tau kalau buat. Nak baca. =D

Okay. Untuk hari ni, aku bagi 10 perkara tentang aku kalau aku pompuan. =P

1) Aku gila shopping. Sebab memacam stail pakaian pompuan yang ada kat shopping. Mesti la aku nak beli baju baru hampir setiap bulan. Nak pekena memacam stail. Rasa macam artis skit nanti :P

2) Aku akan jadi sangat pembersih. Iya la. Setiap kali haid nanti aku kena la bagi bersih diri aku bebetul. Malu nanti kalau orang lain bau. So, secara tak langsung, dah terjadi tabiat aku untuk kekalkan kebersihan diri aku. Bau aku bila datang haid sangat la....euwwwwww.

3) Aku akan pekenakan kotex setiap hari. Kalau x, entah berapa seluar dalam aku terpaksa buang, sebab kesan darah x tanggal bila datang haid. Haih. Senangnya kalau jadi laki kan. (eh eh, macam la aku ni pompuan. Hahaha)

4) Aku akan pakai tudung nak gi memana. Tudung tu aku pakai ke depan sikit. Supaya dapat lindung muka aku dari sinaran cahaya matahari. Boleh la aku jaga muka aku. Lagipun, senang sikit nak pegang earphone kat telinga bila dengar lagu. Yang lagi bestnya, tak kantoi aku nak dengar lagu masa dalam kelas. hehehe... =P

5) Aku x akan berani keluar memalam. Bahaya sesangat. Dah la aku ni lawa. Body langsing pulak tu. (aceh. Macam la aku ni pompuan. Hahaha)

6) Aku akan jaga cara pertuturan aku. Aku akan cakap dengan tatabahasa yang baik dan cantik manis caranya. Ini akan membuatkan harga diri aku ni nampak high, tambah-tambah lagi dengan kecantikan aku. Auwwww~~~ =D

7) Aku akan pakai tutup-tutup. Biar orang x nampak rambut body aku ni camne. Pakai tudung dan baju labuh semua. X nak la pakai jeans ke, baju ketat-ketat tu semua. Macam la aku ni murah sangat. Ingat aku nak senang-senang bagi laki lain tengok? I am not that cheap okay. Badanku rambutku hanyalah untuk suamiku yang tersayang... (aceh. Hahaha!)

Biarlah suamiku je yang terpesona dengan kecantikanku dengan free hair aku dan body aku. Aku x nak bagi laki lain, yang tak muhrim tu tengok. Sebab takut nanti tergoda lelaki yang lemah iman. Aku nak kahwin dengan laki yang kuat iman, bukan yang lemah iman. Kalau aku dah kahwin pun nanti, memang la aku tetap nak tutup gak rambut body aku. Aku tak nak wujud laki lemah iman lain yang akan mengganggu rumahtangga aku.

8) Aku nak try memacam stail rambut bila kat rumah atau bilik. Ponytail, coloring, rambut pendek, panjang semua. Semua stail artis aku nak cuba =D

9) Aku akan selalu buat catwalk je bila kat luar. Fulamak....hebatnya aku. Hahaha xD

10) Aku terpaksa ada dua phone. Satu phone khas untuk keluarga je. Satu lagi phone untuk abaikan beribu-ribu mesej harian dari laki-laki yang tak dikenali.

Friday, December 2, 2011

Being A Great Leader

It's been years I search for why and how to be the right leader. I've been a leader of certain organization when in school, college, and university. I've been wondering around about what am I missing as a leader. I always feel so annoying, disturbing, and not interested to be a leader.

As years passby, i found out how important it is to have a leader. Not only to have a leader, but the right and good leader. I found out how it is fun to be a leader.

Okay. This is just my opinion. I would like to share with you guys, cause I hope this post can help produce more leaders to be great or better among us. Here are the points of my opinion.

1) Leader must be a man. Not woman. This is because man consider rationality and responsibility over emotion before taking action. Man is kind of people that always try to prove that he is the best. To do that means he is doing his best.

The man's ego is naturally high, and with the ego, it protects the man away from scared feeling. The man's ego is strong enough to bravely bring the organization up to things.

Man's thinking is simple to solve any problem. In this way, man won't easily panic and will be able to solve calmly. This is good for any complex problems that might occur in organizational process.

2) Very good planning and everything is pictured clearly in mind. To do something, must plan wisely and realistically. Just do only when we can picture it how it goes. Make sure it can realistically happen with what we have. Plan with what we can possibly do, not outrageously out of our organization ability.

Just like an event of launching. We must be able to picture how will the event goes. What the event needs, like mic, chairs all that, where to get it, who will be the VIP, MC, and so on. Did we have enough members to do that? Could they do? Do we have enough resource? Ensure it.

3) Build a good friendship among members. Being a leader should know the character and ability of each member. With this way, we can expect better how the plan will realistically goes with the members we have. For example, a member very good with photoshop. Than we have power for event marketing.

Besides that, when we know what problems our members are facing, we can be more considerate. We must try avoid force on our member. Our member might hate us or leave our organization. This will only lead our organization to worst condition.

4) Good documentation and info sharing. Let all member know what's going on with organization clearly. Everything must be justified. In this way, every member will be able to give their opinion. Many opinions are good to get the best idea.

5) Congratulation and celebration. It is very important to show thanks to all members for involving. We must let them feel very thankful and happy for being commited. This way will contribute them more power to involve with organization.

if members want certificate, make the certificate. If members want a celebration ceremony, and make it. Sometimes members didn't ask anything, it is because they might have an expectation from us, the leader to them. So, do something to show appreciation to them. At least a honest speech.

If can, give a speech before and after any event. The word of us, the leader is very important to members as source of commitment. Fill in our speech with lots of motivation and appreciation. This is where the organization power booms from the leader.

6) Have the active and rest phase at the right time. Human is naturally hate involving in one thing for a very long time. Just like student hate study and want to work, while worker hate working and want to study. People don't really want the same food all the time. Many people want to eat different food from time to time.

So, just do a relax or cancelled meeting for certain time. Must not too stringent with events or activities.

That's all for today. Any other opinion? :)

Liku-liku Hidup Merpati

kibaran kepaknya, merpati meninggi..
lagi meninggi, luas pandangannya

mencari manisnya dengan kecilnya diri
cantik dan bertenaga, mengejar ingin

setiap rasanya, pasti nak lagi
menelan-nelan dengan puasnya

tersenyum menilai lalu-lalunya
selagi tak mati, itulah caranya


Aku tetiba buat serangkap err... serangkap apa ek. Serangkap puisi kot.
Maksudnya :

Seseorang berusaha, ke lebih jauh. Setiap pencapaiannya menggembirakan. Dia pun terus la berusaha, walaupun dia ada kelemahan tertentu.

Itu la cara hidup. Dalam hidup ni kita kena berusaha.
Bila dia terkenang balik yang lalu, best je.

Amacam? :)

bubu minta dewa naga

bubu : " Dewa naga, keluarlah~~!! " D=

dewa naga : " Graaaaar~~ " =O

dewa naga : " Ya bubu. Apakah tiga hajat kamu. " [=

bubu : " Baik. Hajat pertama ku , siapkan assignment aku semua~~ " =D

dewaa naga : " Baiklah.... ...... "

dewa naga : " .... "

bubu : " Dah? "

dewa naga : " Alamak. Sori ar. X reti buat ar. Susah sangat. Apakah hajat kedua kamu? "

bubu : " Apaaaaa? Mana boleh!!!! Adoi. Baiklah. Hajat kedua aku, aku nak sepuluh juta ringgit depan aku~!!!! " D=

dewa naga : " Baiklah. ..... ...... ..."

dewa naga : "...... ...."

bubu : " Amacam? " =o

dewa naga : " Sori ar bro. Xde duit sangat ar. Habis duit aku gi shopping tadi. So, apa pula hajat ketiga? "

bubu : " grrrrrrr! Yelah yelah! Ish. Kalau camtu, hajat ketiga aku... Aku nak awek paling cun di dunia~!!!! " =D

dewa naga : " ... ... "

dewa naga : " .... ... "

dewa naga : " ... ... "

bubu : " Kenapa? " =O

dewa naga : " Kau ni loser betul ar. Pergi ar carik sendiri. Baiklah. Tiba masa untuk saya meminta diri. Jumpa lagi di tahun depan ya. Terima kasih. "

bubu : " ark... " xO