Tuesday, April 30, 2019

Basic of understanding and empathy

There are 5 kind of thinking to understand it deep and right.

1. To understand it in a kind, innocent, and sympathy thinking.. This is gained by normal healthy life.

2. To understand it in an evil, grudge, and greed thinking. This is gained when we are fully controlled by our own emotions.

3. To understand it with wild behaviour, instinct and lust, which are natural by our own nature. This is depend on ourselve to understand and accept ourselves.

4. To understand it with knowledge, facts, and analysis. Graded by level of understanding and connection on the them. This is easily seen and seek, but for understanding is dependent on the genius level.

5. To understand it with dreams, abnormal phenomenon but understood as it is, and fears. This is hard to find and hard to be seen.

The connection with seen, unseen and souls are with the following 3 things.

1. The strong feeling that shivered the heart and the skin. Usually something or someone so important. Usually good to follow this.

2. The thinking that suddenly talk to our mind. Sometimes it was actually the other soul whispering to us. Either dead or alive, satan or angel, or any kind of soul.

3. The feel, used to, and awkwardness when in contact. Can be read better on the nature's eyes.

It all depends to ourselves to achieve.

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