Monday, November 28, 2011

How To Care And Being Care

Well, this is just my opinion. Being care and care other people will bring peace and happiness to us. Do you believe that?

Usually, at my point of view, whatever we are striving to be the best is actually to get people's attention. We like people. Especially, nice people.

However, always unconciously we hurt each other just to be the best. Do we actually realize what we actually want?

To get people's attention is not by hurting them. It is not necessary to be the best.

Like a cute baby. Is the baby far better than us to get the attention? It is not. Get the point?

There are few things to care and being care by people.

1) Always empathize. Empathize means understand other people. The more empathy we are, the more we care about other people. We care because we understand. Mature people always have a very good empathy.

2) Just express to people if we are feeling upset or embarassed. Some people won't understand, and by the worst they might even make a laugh at us. Just don't bother them. This kind of people won't care about us. What we want now is people that care about us. From there we can differentiate people that care among unknown people around. Anyway, honest expression means we are being realistic with ourselve in this world. Be proud to accept the truth :)

3) Congratulate people that get the best, either award, ranking, or anything else. We should know how happy would we feel when being the best, and having people around that congratulate us will make us feel happier, isn't it. People that get the best really like other people congratulate them. Just like us. We will like it when we are them. We might be shy and reply dishonestly when people congratulate us. So, don't take it for granted when people reply harshly.

4) Don't ever make a small of other people. That will mean that we are trying to prove that we are great or the best. And yes, it is actually to get more attention. OPEN OUR EYES~~~~ That way is absolutely wrong! Why would people care about us if we make a small of them. Would we? Do we like people that make a small of us? It is all back to number one, where empathy always important.

5) Easily give a hand. When we go to friend's house. They cook and serve us food. What would they feel when we suddenly help out the dish washing?... they might say, "no no, it's okay". They might show 'no need' expression. But in their mind, they really like it.

However, we must remember. We just help when we want to. If we don't want or not sure, don't help. To help people, there have to be borders. Our feeling can tell us. Follow the instinct.

6) Stop bringing topic in a stress thinking way. People don't like to be around with us if we are like that. Like, "why did he bring the ball like stupid. That one is so slow like shit".

Or "that girl must be a playgirl. Why dress like that? She think she's cute? Come on". If we are used to bring a topic like that, we should start to correct our mind. This way of talking will always make us headache, and people around don't like it, except if their talk are dirty too. Try to learn the right way of talk. Talk in a way calmful and interesting.

Like "look at him, bringing the ball. ALMOST.... almost theere!". "Look at that girl. Wow. So cute. I like it" :P

7) Don't ever talk bad about other people. Just quiet instead. If we feel that people is being wrong, than try to talk to that people nicely, and personally. There might be a reason why that people like that. If that people can change, than it's good. If not, we should understand that it is not easy to change ourselve.

8) Sharing is caring. But not over the limit.

Hmm that's all for today. It's raining outside.

Sunday, November 27, 2011

Let's Exercise

Okay. As we getting older, day by day, we are getting busy. Always busy. When we have some space, we used to spend it with facebooking, blogging, shopping, watch movies, chatting and so on. Can we remember when is the last time we exercise?

When is the last time we exercise? Last year's marathon? To those that still exercise, i would say "Good! Keep it up :D"

Exercise is not neccessarily long to hours and under hot sun like maraton. Don't have to do tough exercise. Just 15 minutes are enough. Just by either jogging, play tennis, play football, play ping pong, badminton, squash, and any other exercise.

Just exercise twice or thrice a week. It means that once every two or three days. Just exercise either in the morning or evening. Don't exercise in the afternoon or night if can.

Exercise can lower our stress, put our mind away from any rubbishes, work or disappointment. Our mind will feel a bit more restful for some minute. Exercising is giving us a fresh peace of mind.

Exercise is also good for our body. When we exercise, the blood moves more smoothly and can reach almost all part of our body. Every part of our body will be fused with enough oxygen fuel. And keep on exercising until we are sweat up. Let the sweat out, feel the fast-breathing of tiredness of exercise. Tired of exercise is far better than tired of thinking. Are we tired of our gf? Stress of assignments? Brain feel heavy to drop on bed? We can relieve our mind with exercising.

Don't have to be afraid of exercising alone. If we are, than just invite our friends together. It's good for our relationship too. Anyway, usually we will find that people in vicinity that are exercising are very good people. This is because people that exercise is kind of people of healthy, having peace of mind, and kind. Well, this is just my opinion psychologically.

So, let's exercise. I want to encourage all of us to exercise. Let's have a healthy mind and body and together being peaceful in our world :)

Saturday, November 26, 2011

google+, social netwOrk baru

Okay. Sekarang ni dah ada social network baru lak. Google+. Aku baru register. Kalau nak join, klik sini.

Pada pendapat aku, google+ ni lagi bagus sikit dari facebook sebab kita boleh add friend ikut kategory. Friends ke, family ke, artist ke(aku add sendiri). Nanti senang sikit. Kat wall post senang sikit nak tengok friends punya je, atau family punya je. Atau artist punya update je.

So, dalam google+ ni ada beberapa wall mengikut kategori-kategori yang kita ada. Contohnya, wall friends, business, family, artist. So, apa yang aku post kat wall friends, friends je boleh tengok. Apa yang aku post kat family, family je boleh tengok.

Baru la best :) Aku memang prefer google+ berbanding facebook.

Sebelum ni, aku asyik susah je nak post dengan bebas dengan kawan-kawan aku kat facebook sebab parents aku asyik tegur sini tegur situ. Aku x suka la. Xde privasi sangat. Kawan aku pun takut nak post kat wall aku, sebab takut parents aku tengok.

Jadi, facebook macam kurang privasi dah bila dah add parents as friend, atau rakan sekerja as friends, especially boss. Kita mesti la ada privasi tertentu. Ada benda kita boleh share dengan kawan je, bukan rakan sekerja. Ada benda kita boleh share dengan kawan je, bukan family. Ada benda kita share dengan family je, bukan kawan. Sebab tu la dah makin restricted, iaitu makin x bebas kita nak post apa yang kita nak. Mesti fikir pasal beberapa faktor yang perlu diambil kira.

Jadi, google+ ni la penyelesaiannya :)

Cuba la. Kalau boleh, add la aku sekali. Kalau sudi :3

Monday, November 21, 2011

Jangkaan Sakit Bila Mati

Hmm. Ini hanya la pendapat aku berdasarkan logik akal. Kata orang, mati la yang paling sakit di dunia. Sebab apa ek. Ini adalah antara pendapat aku.

1. Sakit perut. Bila mati, nanti kita lapar je. Bila baru x makan satu hari kan kita sakit perut kena gastrik. Kalau mati nanti, bukannya satu hari kita x makan. Dari hari ke hari, gastrik habis perut kita. Saaangat sembelit. Ouch. Berasid habis badan kita nanti. Can u accept that?

2. Sakit mental(untuk orang tertentu je). Cuba x dapat berbual dengan sesape selama dua hari ke, tiga hari ke, mesti kita rasa sangat sunyi dan bosan. Nanti mula la kita fikir bukan-bukan, mengeluh sini sana. Salahkan orang yang x bersama kita time susah senang. Tapi bila mati, bukannya dua tiga hari je. Kalau ada kawan datang kubur kita, bukannya kita dapat berbual dengan dia pun. Besides that, ada ke orang yang sudi datang kubur kita hehari?

Time tu, baru la kita mula muhasabah diri selalu, fikir apa yang kita dah buat semasa hidup. Time ni la kita berfikir, apa yang akan kita alami pada esok dan esok harinya. Time ni la kita berdebar-debar terfikir tentang dunia akhirat camne nanti. Kita akan masuk syurga ke neraka? Nanti mula la kita takut untuk setiap dosa besar yang pernah kita buat. Kita asyik harap yang kita dah banyak buat baik dan berjasa pada manusia semasa kita hidup.

Time tu la kita asyik fikir pasal diri sendiri je. Maka benar la apa yang tuhan katakan dalam alquran, di akhirat nanti setiap orang hanya akan fikirkan nasib diri sendiri je. Sebab masuk syurga atau neraka nanti selama-lamanya kot. Kita semua nak syurga.

3. Sakit tekak. Biasanya doktor suruh minum air bebanyak setiap hari untuk elakkan sakit tekak. Tapi bila dah mati, mana la kita minum air. Bukannya satu hari je x minum air. Hehari kot. Nanti tekak kita rasa gatal camne ntah. Rasa macam nak batuk je, tapi x dapat. X selesa woo.

4. Sakit terseliuh. Bila kita mati nanti, sel-sel badan kita akan mati sikit-sikit, termasuk la sel urat kita. Cuba bila kaki terseliuh, camne rasanya? Kalau x betulkan urat cecepat nanti lama je sakitnya kan? Lepas betulkan pun amek masa lama baru okay.

Tapi bila dah mati, sikit-sikit kita rasa terseliuh kat memana bahagian badan. X akan okay seliuh tu. Hanya akan bertambah teruk, dan bertambah-tambah seliuh kat bahagian lain. "ouch! SAkitnya kaki! Macam terseliuh! ". "Ouch! Tangan aku terseliuh! eh eh?". Nanti kita rasa terseliuh seluruh badan, mata, kaki, tangan semua. Sakit woo.

5. Hypertension stress. Stres sebab lapar, sunyi, bosan, fikir banyak sangat. Rasa macam nak gila. Pening. Rasa macam dah x betul. Bergantung pada orangnya. Kalau orang tu biasanya tenang dan asyik fikirkan tuhan masa di dunia, macam tu la dia dalam kubur nanti. Okay je.

6. Rasa gatal seluruh badan. Ikut kajian ahli mikrobiologi, sebenarnya kita ada kuman di seluruh bahagian badan kita sepanjang masa. Kuman tu ialah bakteria ke, kulat ke, apa-apa la yang saiznya mikro. Tapi kita nampak okay je sebab kita ada sistem pertahanan badan yang baik di seluruh badan.

Macam kat cap ibu jari. Atas permukaan cap jari tu sebenarnya ada berjuta-juta kuman. Tapi ada sistem imun badan kita kat permukaan kulit cap jari tu yang hapuskan kuman-kuman tu. Kemudian bahan-bahan berbahaya dari kuman mati tu dibuang ke permukaan kulit atau saluran najis kita. Sebab itu la kita kena berwuduk lima kli sehari, untuk buang bahan-bahan kuman mati kat permukaan kulit kita. Nanti sistem pertahanan kita xde la busy sangat. Imun kita lagi kuat sikit nanti.

Oh ya, bila kita dah mati, imun kita dah makin xde. Time tu la kita mula rasa gatal seluruh kulit, mata, lidah, kepala, alat sulit...senang cerita, kesemuanya. "Ish, gatal la. Nak garu!!!! geram je."

Hmm. Tu je kot. Ada pendapat lain? :)

Friday, November 11, 2011

10 Things I wanna Talk Bout Harry Potter Movie

Okay. I'm sooo tired with proposal thing. I wanna relax with playing blog post.

I just finished watching all Harry Potter movies few days ago.

1. I like Hermione. She's soo pretty. She's even smart and very considerable with friends. I like it. :)

2. I want that invinsible cloak. I wanna use it to watch movies or 'movies' for free. :P

3. I wonder with Voldmorte. Doesn't he feel boring when gain all the power? The desire will never end. Better just play with girls around u. So wasting of time chasing harry potter. At last you die just like that. Banyak rugi wooo.

4. I hate the elves and goblin. Tengok je muka diorang, aku rasa menyampah. Macam nak buat main bola je. Ops. :T

5. Cara attack guna wand tu. Keluar cahaya camtu je? Sepanjang cerita Harry Potter, bila attack je, 'Abra Kadabra'. Itu je? Keluar cahaya camtu je? Cuba la buat kelainan sikit. Jenis api ke, kayu ke, air ke, macam cerita naruto tu. Hah. Baru la menarik skit bila lelawan nanti. Macam bosan la cahaya gitu-gitu je.

6. Aku x faham. Kenapa Voldmorte x bunuh harry potter masa dia baby? Lepas bunuh mak dia, tinggal dia camtu je. Bila dah mati, tetiba kata nak bunuh harry potter. Xde kaitan pun dengan dia. Bengong. Cerita ni silap logik skit ar.

7. Okay. Untuk melemahkan Voldmorte, semua barang yang mengandungi coarx mesti dimusnahkan. Macam mana coarx tu terhasil pada mulanya? Coarx tu tersebar kat bebarang antik, ular Voldmorte dan Harry Potter. Peliknya. X jelas langsung.

8. Aku nak gak belajar kat sekolah magik tu. Nak belajar magik. Tapi jangan la halang aku guna magik kat luar kawasan magik. X best la.

9. Okay. Memula aku tengok, Dumbledore dah mati. Voldmorte siap ambil 'the elder wand' dari dumbledore kat kubur dia. Memang sah dumbledore dah mati. Tetiba je last sekali dalam citer harry potter, dumbledore masih hidup dan tengah kena gari oleh voldmorte. Amende ni? Cerita ni buat silap ke apa? X faham aku.

10. Apa pun, aku suka jalan cerita Harry Potter ni. Best. Watak yang sama sejak diorang kecil sampai dah dewasa. Rasa macam kawan lama je diorang ni.

Bila Hermione nak datang kat aku ni. Hermione, come on. Come and sleep with me. :P

Thursday, November 10, 2011

assignmEnts, ark xO

erk erk chat je, baru tau ada assignment ni. Chat chat lain lak, baru tau ada assignment tu. Kenapa aku asyik x tau je ni?? Argh. Xpe. Yang penting, kena siapkan. Huwarh. Tension gak.

Nasib baik esok cuti. Kena siapkan proposal dulu. Than poster. Baru rekabentuk. Then bioinformatik. Hmmm. Oh ya. Assignment library dulu baru bioninfo punya.

Ada assignment U3 lagi. Hish. Susun balik.

1. Proposal, ergh. Do it now. xO
2. Poster, aku prefer dalam A4 dan A3. Hmmm :/
3. Rekabentuk, study balik chapter-chapter sakit kepala tu, buat algorithm dan buat programming.
4. Library search, kena gi library
5. U3 presentation dan kertas kerja, just have a view is enough.
6. Laporan Bioinformatik - kena find out cara buat laporan dia. Kena tanya senior ni.
7. Bina personal laman web, untuk mikrokomputer.
8. Old client upgrade project. Huwarh. It's too big. xO
9. Gi amek kad lesen P. Dah berbulan diorang tunggu aku amek. :/
10. Imagine Cup - Okay. To see how far can i go. =)
11. Jumpa awek - terpaksa last matter. Sorry my dear. :o

Ergh. Too too tension for me. Just settle one by one now. =.=

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Harry Potter, the end

Aku baru je sambung tengok harry potter. Rupa-rupanya aku terskip 'Order Of Phoenix' dan 'Half-blood Prince'. Tapi xpe la. Aku dah tengok yang lain sampai habis.

Overall, aku suka sesangat cerita harry potter ni. Memberikan erti kehidupan secara menyeluruh. Berdepan dengan hakikat hidup, sama ada mendapat info benar atau palsu. Sama ada masih boleh percayai seseorang atau tidak. Sama ada akan berjaya atau berdepan dengan kegagalan. Kita kena berdepan juga sebab itu hakikatnya.

Penghabisan cerita memang penuh makna dan erti. I love it sooo much.


Monday, November 7, 2011


i really love the moral of leadership from transfOrmers 3 and captAin america. Soooo much~~~ :D

That is the kind of leader i like. But i pull off. Being that kind will still miss something. I've been there. Being so great. But so alone. Space for heart, especially love is so disappointing. Will feel lose.

That is the question that i still need the right answer. :/

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Bad Day

Too bad. Ergh. Hot fever and vomiting all the time. Couldn't go to class. Feel so headache. Ouch.

Many things corrupted. Crushed in the middle.

Hope to be healthy soon. Need to be strong.
