Sunday, December 25, 2011

Prayer, Wear Scarf, being Muslimah Wife, And Hudud Are Hard

Talking about doing prayer, wear scarf, being a loyal muslimah wife, and apply hudud are really hard. Those are always being a big issue. Many people think that it is harsh and against freedom.

1. Prayer

However, let's take it realistically. When a man at home, having holiday. Let us compare man that do prayer and man that doesn't do prayer. How would the man's life be?

The man that doesn't do prayer might just sleep all day. He might won't wakeup in the morning. He will want to hang around at late night doing worthless chores. Suddenly gone emotional for something nonsense or whatever. The worst state is, the man will be so useless. Usually if a man stays home alone for more than three days, he might gone crazy, madness, feel demotivated or has mental disorder, psychologically.

If the man does the prayer, the man will have to wake up in the morning for subuh prayer. If he tries to sleep all day, he still have to wakeup in the evening two times for zohor prayer and asar prayer. If he sleeps again, he still have to wakeup in the dawn time for maghrib prayer. Then he has to wait till night for ishak prayer. Then only he can sleep peacefully at night. Isn't that more healthy lifestyle? Good for himself.

And just because of the prayer, he might won't be sleepy and feel refreshed because of wudhu' he has to take to do the prayer. And prayer forces man to pray in groups. From there, man will have to communicate. This will avoid demotivation, madness, or mental disorder psychologically. That is why islam enforce prayer. It is to make a human become 'a human'.

2. Wear Scarf

Yes, women usually don't like wearing scarf. It's hot, looked urban, feel so no freedom. They want people to see how pretty they are with their beautiful hair. They want to get men's eyes. They want to be popular and attracted.

Husband usually damn worry about his wife. Or parents usually damn worry about their daughter. Or a boyfriend is usually damn worry about his girlfriend. It's because the girl is pretty with her hair. The man of the girl always afraid to loss the girl to any bad guy out there, either by kidnapper, raper, or any kind of bad people.

For a husband or a boyfriend, they will so jealous. They will always worry. The worst case is, they can easily lost trust. Then become psychologically hate the girl so much, until can easily decide to break. This is the nature of men.

If the girl or woman wear scarf, wear close everything, the husband, or parents, or her boyfriend will feel much more in peace. It will easily produce happiness to the husband, parents, or her boyfriend because they can feel trustworth and believe that nothing will happen to the girl or woman.

So, should the woman care about herself for being freedom, or care about the person who love them? Either parents, boyfriend, or husband. Well, i believe that the nature of women is, they really care about people who love them.

That is why islam enforce woman to wear scarf and close everything. It is to respect the human nature.

3. Being A Loyal Muslim Wife

Woman who has always been with man might have know how and what a man is. Man's ego is so high. Man's sex commitment is so high. Man's stupid jealousy is so high. Man's worry about his love is too high.

Man's trust is very easy to break. That is why man's decision to break up is very easy. Man likes woman as his comforter. Yes, that's the nature of man.

That is why husband always worry all the time when wife went out. That is why husband always wanna play with wife all the time. That is why husband want to know everything about his wife's activity.

If his wife really love him, his wife will do whatever he wants, even by being hit badly by him. Everything is just to get his trust and to obtain good family situation.

Man want to marry a muslim woman because man will really feel so peaceful and happy. That is why marrying a muslim woman is so recommended. This is because islam has enforce any muslim wife to be very loyal to her husband. That's simply to respect the man's nature.

4. Hudud

I will not apply any hudud picture here because it might scare you. I just want to share my thought and knowledge about hudud.

Hudud is important to let people learn better about empathy and justice. Let's say if you punch a man in the face. You won't feel sorry or feel anything if you have no empathy. If you are a thief, you might not know how hard and painful it is to be stolen from someone, if you don't have empathy. How if someone stole yours?

Talking about forgiveness, if small thing is easy. How about big thing? Like, finding out that your spouse is having a sex with someone else? If you can forgive by word, your heart can't.

God knows it. God knows everything, including whatever we say in our heart. That is why, in Islam, god enforce human to apply the punishment to the guilty person. With reasonable way, not blindly.

For example, a wife is caught having a sex with a person that is not her husband. There has to be at least five mature, muslim, and kind man to witness with their own eyes. Not ONE PERSON or LESS THAN FIVE PERSON that is not mature, woman, or bad people. This is to avoid wrong or blind accusation.

So, if hudud is applied to a country, people will learn empathy and the right justice realistically. Than there will be more good, understanding, and justice standing people. World is needing a great justice to be peaceful. Only bad people are afraid of justice.

If we are afraid of hudud enforced by islam, it means we are afraid of the right justice. If we are afraid of justice, means we are bad people. Are we?

1 comment:

fadh leyanie said...

kalau hukum hudud dilaksanakan di Malaysia kadar jenayah mungkin berkurang